• Supplier data in the wrong format?
  • Suppliers can’t read data you’ve sent them?
  • Different data translations required for different suppliers?

We have experience and expertise in providing data integration services to organisations that benefit from collaboration with their suppliers/partners.

Majenta can engage with you and your suppliers on the use of tools, methodologies and standards that can result in a more efficient and joined up supply chain. Majenta is able to organise and run supplier training programs and events, develop process integration and assist with 2D/3D data quality improvement – resulting in data that is fit for purpose in downstream operations like manufacturing or simulation.

Our Data Services division has many years of experience and is providing effective and efficient data integration services to large OEM organisations right now.

Find out more about our specialised OEM services below:

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Call the team on +44 (0) 2033 197 055 or email us at services@majentasolutions.com

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